The white body, the core structure of a car, hinges on the accuracy and quality of its doors. These crucial components define not only aesthetics but also vital functions like sealing and load bearing. To meet these demands, high-precision door welding technologies have emerged, with remote laser welding taking center stage.

Why remote laser welding reigns supreme:

  • Superior welds: The technology delivers high-strength, structurally stiff welds with minimal heat impact and deformation.
  • Consistent quality: Precise beam control and accurate weld reproduction ensure exceptional repeatability.
  • Fast and efficient: Rapid scan mirror movements and robot coordination minimize cycle times, boosting production output.

Adapting to specific challenges:

Door welding presents unique hurdles depending on the material. While steel welding requires minimal deflection, aluminum demands laser oscillation technology for optimal results.

Meeting modern demands:

Today’s doors prioritize seamless integration, often requiring ultra-long, high-frequency welds. Advanced laser guidance systems handle complex geometries and tilt angles with incredible precision.

Optimizing the process:

Adaptive parameter adjustment compensates for material clearance variations, while dynamic welding further shortens cycles and boosts efficiency.

Unmatched control and monitoring:

Blackbird controllers empower OTF welding with robots or linear axes. Real-time OCT weld tracking synchronizes gap detection and welding, adjusts graphics and oscillation, and even analyzes post-weld surface quality. This low-resolution system captures the workpiece’s optimal contour throughout the process.

Software that empowers:

A powerful software control system allows customization for different process needs. Operators can track and simulate laser movement on the workpiece in real time, keeping them informed and in control.

In conclusion, remote laser welding technology has revolutionized door welding, ensuring high-quality, efficient production while meeting the demands of modern automotive trends.

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